Wednesday, September 2, 2020


QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN BUSINESS and MANAGEMENT - Coursework Example The Organisation for Economic Co-activity and Development (OECD), established in 1961, is a worldwide monetary association devoted to the worldwide turn of events. The strategic the OECD is to advance arrangements that will improve the financial and the social prosperity of the individuals around the globe. At first in 1960, there were 18 European nations alongside the United States and Canada, which held hands to frame an association. Today, there are 34 part nations over the globe, including nationals from America, Europe and Asia-Pacific locale. The OECD additionally works with rising mammoths like China, India and Brazil and creating financial aspects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Caribbean to fabricate a more grounded, cleaner and more attractive world. This report looks at the future during childbirth in the OECD nations to check whether there exists a distinction in the future during childbirth among guys and females in the OECD nations. Besides, this report will likewise analyze whether there is an impact of monetary pointers, for example, swelling rate, joblessness rate and total national output on the future during childbirth in the OECD nations. The fundamental theories explored are: The information are gathered from the OECD Statistics database. The information are gathered for the year 2011. There are four factors in the dataset; expansion rate, joblessness rate, GDP and future during childbirth (aggregate, guys and females). All the factors are numerical factors estimated on a proportion scale. There are 34 perceptions in the information. Table 1 sums up about the information. The normal swelling rate in the OECD nations in the year 2011 was 3.12% and shift from the mean by about 1.26%. About portion of the OECD country’s expansion rate was above 3.32%. The scope of expansion rate was 6.76% with greatest swelling rate being 6.47% for the Turkey and least swelling rate being - 0.28% for

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Evaluation Theory for Practice of Program-

Question: Examine about theEvaluation Theory for Practice of Program Evaluation. Answer: Presentation Associations utilize the hypothesis of progress to assess the learning exercises. The hypothesis of progress inspects how a learning movement is intended to give brings about the association. It diagrams the yields into the learning action and the results. This model specifies the strategies for change, the dangers and the hindrances to this hypothesis that thwart the normal result. The hypothesis of progress makes a decent connection between the yields and the normal outcomes in the association. At the point when evaluators in the association direct spotlight on the hypothesis toward the start of the task it guarantees that partner inclusion is deliberate, helpful and purposeful to the customer. As indicated by Chen (2015), the hypothesis driven assessment specifies the need to work with partners to comprehend the rationale of an undertaking. A rationale model assists with understanding the causal connections engaged with yields included and the results. Assessment of learning exercises in the association can be helped out through different modules. Use centered assessment module At the point when an associations ultimate objective is dynamic on a venture, usage centered assessment module is pertinent. This module centers around the assessment of learning exercises with respect to their utilization by essential clients. In this way, the evaluator in the association ought to build up which partners are progressively noteworthy in the ventures results (Patton 2013). The evaluator must utilize this partner in each assessment procedure to accomplish results. Qualities drew in assessment module This module includes drawing in the partners an incentive in an intercession. At the point when the partners esteems are incorporated, it builds their enthusiasm for the intercession. The clients are probably going to utilize the venture in the event that they feel some feeling of proprietorship and a feeling of introduction. Strengthening assessment module This module is utilized in the association to help in improving an intercession through strengthening. It specifies that the job of an evaluator is to engage the partners required to take up the assessment procedure to assist them with self-assurance (Link and Vonortas 2013). The evaluator in the association controls the partners through the assessment procedure. Hypothesis driven assessment module This module centers around accomplishing change in the assessment procedure through cooperating with partners to specify the sources of info, yields, and aftereffects of the task. The association can understand ROI from learning and improvement exercises through surveying the procedure instruments picked and including the correct partners. The association needs to comprehend the assessment procedure and the hypotheses worried to guarantee that the reason for the learning exercises controls the plans to accomplish the proposed results. Assessment hypothesis assumes a significant job in the incentive for cash in regards to execution and importance when the correct module is utilized in the assessment procedure. The assessment procedure in the association ought to be improved through completing a greater number of assessments in a year instead of every year. At the point when an assessment procedure is done every now and again, exact outcomes are normal. Preparing of the evaluators is another manner by which the assessment procedure can be improved. Evaluators ought to be well prepared when doing the assessment procedure. In this manner they ought to be prepared through inner workshops to fortify their aptitudes. References Chen, H., T., (2015)Practical program assessment: Theory-Driven Evaluation and the Integrated Evaluation Perspective. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Connection, A. N., Vonortas, N., S., (2013)Handbook on the hypothesis and practice of program assessment, Cheltenham, UK. Patton, M., Q., (2013) Utilization-Focused Evaluation (U-FE) Checklist, Western Michigan University Checklists. Thompson, G., Alba-Juez, L., (2014)Evaluation in setting. College of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Brand Valuation

Strategies for Brand Valuation The different techniques for brand valuation can be set into four classes: (1) cost-based methodologies; (2) advertise based methodologies; (3) salary based methodologies; and (4) model methodologies joining future advantages or near preferences. Cost-based Approaches This technique considers the costs associated with making the brand through the phases of innovative work of the item idea, advertise testing, proceeded with advancement during commercialization, and item upgrades after some time. Verifiably based, this methodology is the valuation strategy that follows standard bookkeeping practice for valuating resources. It is likewise the most preservationist strategy for valuation and gives minimal future-situated data that is helpful in the brand the executives procedure. In any case, this method neglects to catch esteem included through the use of viable key brand the executives exercises and procedures. Market-based Approaches This valuation technique is a significantly more remotely engaged methodology. It depends on an estimation of the sum for which a brand can be sold. This technique requires having the option to decide a market esteem. Without a genuine market for most brands, this can be a troublesome estimation challenge. To evade this issue, intermediaries are made dependent on how the money related markets gauge the worth related with the brand. One approach to decide the monetary market impacts is to isolate substantial resources from immaterial resources. The market esteem made by the intangibles can be deduced once the whole estimation of the firm is resolved. The advisors Trademark and Licensing Associates make a comparative estimation by contrasting the brand being esteemed with the presentation of another substitute brand that is random to the firm. The technique is substantially more reasonable if a comparative brand exists in the commercial center for examination purposes. Salary based Approaches The valuation procedure includes deciding future net incomes legitimately owing to the brand and afterward limiting to the current worth utilizing a proper markdown rate. A few techniques might be utilized to decide net income. One strategy looks at the brand's value premium to a conventional productâ€one that exists in the commercial center without advantage of showcasing speculation and name possession. A subsequent technique gauges the yearly eminences related with the brand, as in a permitting understanding. This way to deal with valuation is commonly increasingly material to brands contending in worldwide markets. An elective methodology depends on the quality of brand name acknowledgment to assess income. The marked item is then contrasted with a nonexclusive item to assess volume. Equation Approaches These methodologies consider different measures in showing up at a brand esteem. The counseling firm Interbrand and Financial World magazine utilize comparable strategies that depend on a salary approach. Interbrand built up its equation approach with regards to outside budgetary revealing, however demonstrates that the way to deal with valuation is likewise truly reasonable for interior administration purposes. The Interbrand approach utilizes a three-year weighted normal of benefits after assessment as a pointer of brand productivity. In ascertaining brand productivity, Interbrand endeavors to consider just factors that relate legitimately to the brand's character. This is regularly troublesome in light of the fact that the organization may not think about explicit capacities as isolated from the brand. For instance, quite a bit of a brand's prosperity may be inferable from the conveyance framework, which bolsters the brand however is likely not a key component of its personality. When brand benefit is resolved, a multiplier is connected to the figuring. The multiplier is made from an assessment of brand quality dependent on seven components, which are weighted by Interbrand's rules. Authority: This is the capacity of the brand to work as a market chief and secure the advantages related with holding a prevailing piece of the pie. Security: Brands that hold their picture and shopper unwaveringness over extensive stretches of time are more important than brands without such strength. Market: Brands in certain item showcases are more important than brands in different markets on account of their capacity to produce more prominent deals volume in a progressively steady condition with more noteworthy hindrances to passage from contenders. Internationality: Brands that are global in scope have the possibility to extend the brand and are more important than provincial or national brands. Pattern: This is the capacity of the brand to stay current in the impression of purchasers. Backing: Brands that have been reliably overseen and bolstered by the association after some time are substantially more significant than brands that have worked with no authoritative speculation. Assurance: This factor identifies with the lawful issues related with the brand. Brands that are secured by enrolled trademarks are increasingly significant in that the association has the legitimate option to ensure the brand. Monetary World shows up at a valuation by evaluating the working benefit inferable from a brand and afterward contrasting it with an unbranded item. The subsequent premium related with the brand is balanced for expenses, and afterward duplicated by the over seven-thing factor utilizing Interbrand's appraisal of brand quality. Aaker's â€Å"Brand Equity Ten† focuses on five classes of measures to build up an exhaustive evaluation of brand value. Explicit proportions of value premium, fulfillment or reliability, saw quality, and initiative or prominence add a client center to the valuation techniques. Other client arranged measures incorporate apparent worth, brand character, hierarchical affiliations, and brand mindfulness. Outside proportions of piece of the overall industry and market cost and circulation inclusion complete the arrangement of measures. By and large, the prevalence of the model methodologies lies in the extensive idea of these measures. The model valuation process considers the most exhaustive appraisal of all regions that can possibly influence the capacity of the brand to create an incentive for its proprietor. Brand valuation seems, by all accounts, to be the most encouraging method equipped for representing the significance of the brand to administrators while additionally crossing over the various directions among advertisers and bookkeepers. Since the estimation of the brand can be communicated in money related terms, all chiefs have a typical perspective. The proportion of brand worth may incorporate emotional components, yet the absence of such a measure implies, that the significance of elusive resources might be neglected. The utilization of brand valuation can help encourage an acknowledgment of a shared objective for people in seeking after key destinations. Each control can contribute a considerable measure of skill to the brand valuation process. This joint commitment would then be able to help the association with brand the executives. Cost Approach The cost approach is a valuation method that assessments esteem dependent on the cost required to make the thing. Under the cost approach, the genuine dollars spent to manufacture a brand are broke down. While it is hard to segregate and evaluate every memorable use brought about in building a brand, it might be conceivable to recognize outer advertising costs, including media and limited time spending. This methodology can be an exceptionally moderate gauge of the brand esteem on the grounds that the cost approach doesn't factor all expenses brought about in building the brand. For instance work costs, other overhead, delicate dollar costs, the expense of trademark enlistment or interior promoting time, just to give some examples costs, may not be explicitly recognizable and in this manner hard to factor in. Furthermore, the recorded cost approach doesn't consider future financial advantages of a marking effort. As media markets have gotten progressively serious as of late, the expense of reproducing a brand would probably surpass the recorded expense even in genuine terms. Along these lines, the cost approach might be considered as a standard estimation of a brand by which to quantify future venture. Market Approach The market approach is a valuation technique that appraisals esteem dependent on genuine market exchanges. The market approach requires the assortment of market information from practically identical exchanges and investigation of the information to evaluate the estimation of the brand through examination and relationship. AbsoluteBrand joins data and research from our exclusive databases and outer market information. The market approach is useful in inquiring about for potential permitting exchanges. Pay Approach The most exact valuation of a brand is the current estimation of the steady benefit inferable from that brand. The salary approach depends on the current estimation of a pay stream. This way to deal with valuation depends on the presumption that if the brand’s fundamental item or administration didn't possess its trademarks it would need to permit them from an outsider trademark proprietor. Responsibility for trademarks along these lines ‘relieves’ it from paying a permit charge (the sovereignty) for the utilization of the outsider trademarks. It requires the improvement of pay stream projections that are then limited for chance and the time estimation of cash, I. e. , â€Å"present-valued† starting at a specific date. Under the salary approach, an intricate model incorporates memorable and estimate monetary outcomes, advertise hazard and brand commitment. The outcome can be a static brand valuation starting at a specific date or it very well may be changed into a unique brand the board model. A brand valuation under the pay approach is involved three principle factors: 1. Figure Income Statements from the Branded Business. The valuation model is sectioned to mirror the pertinent serious condition inside which the brand works and gauges are made. This data is accumulated through administration info and statistical surveying data. 2. Sovereignty. The bra

Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Thanksgiving Accident - Free Essay Example

I had a good thanksgiving break eating urkey, ham, and pumpkin pie, but the day started gray and glummy. My friends dog died on thanksgiving day so we buried the dog. Feeling sorrow for my friend and comforting him because he had the dog since it was one. Im sorry you lost your dog Alex. I said in a sorrowful voice and patting him on the shoulder. Thanks for helping me bury her. he said his voice cracking from crying. No problem, Hey how about you come have tahnksgiving with me and my family. Were going to my grandmas to eat. Do you want to come? Sure if its fine with your dad that is. We walk to my dads house on a gravel road that needs to be fixed because it has millions of pot holes full of water from rain. I hear a groan of frustration and then something fallin into one of the water filled potholes. I turn around to see Alex stuck in a pothole full of mud. It was to his knee. I laughed so hard I thought I was gonna barf. After he got out of the mud he hit me in the shoulder playfully. Thanks for helping me! he said with a big grin on his face. You are fantastically welcome my frend. I say sarcastically. He chased me all the way to my dads house. It was nothing fancy if you ask me. Its a two story house that needed a new paint job and replace the broken gate and fence. I open the door to my house and it looks like an expensive mansion in there. Lets find my dad. I say dragging Alex along with me while he is awe struck. My dad was sitting in his train room setting up tracks and houses all over this sheet rock board and it looked amazing. It looked as if it were a real town! The cars moved, the traffic lights worked, even the people moved. Not very much though. Hey dad can Alex come to thanksgiving with us? My dad went to look at me and bumped his head on the shelf above him in process. Rubbing his head he asked Why do you want him to come? I was shocked by his question. He would usely just say I dont care just ask his parents. This wasnt really something he would ask. Of course Id like him to come. I say in a confused voice. Well if its alright with his parents he can. So we walked back to his house and his parents said yes so I texted my dad we were going to wait at the end of the gravel road and to pick us up when its time to go. We waited at the road for half an hour before dad pull up in his truck.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Evaluating Remedial / Developmental Education Essay

Colleges have been changing how they approach education dramatically over the last decade. For many years, the common perception of how colleges were preparing students involved, teachers providing lectures, students doing various homework assignments and then being evaluated. Students either passed or failed. How much time and effort individuals put into their studies became the only way colleges measured student success outcomes. Often, colleges did not find themselves bearing the burden of responsibility for poor student outcome statistics. In recent years, the responsibility for student success has begun to fall more heavily on the schools. As the shift in responsibility switched, colleges have challenged themselves with redefining how they approach educating students. According to Grubb and Associates’ article, From Black Box to Pandora’s Box. Evaluating Remedial/Developmental Education, â€Å"Accepting this responsibility means identifying and then corre cting the many possible reasons for non-completion or failure to learn- in short, providing remedial/developmental education, tutoring, counseling, and other forms of student services† (4). Within college education, there are two main types of schools. Students either enroll in a four-year university or a two-year community college. Where they are able to gain acceptance, often, depends on their level of preparedness. Two- year colleges have less demanding admission requirements. Christopher Shults article,Show MoreRelatedHow Education Has Changed Over The Last Decade Essay2238 Words   |  9 PagesColleges have changed how they approach education dramatically over the last decade. For many years, the common perception of how colleges were preparing students involved, teachers providing lectures, students doing various homework assignments and then being evaluated. 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Research in Higher Education, 42(6) 709-723 Belch, H. (2004). Retention and students with disabilities. Journal of College Student Retention, 6 (1) 3-22. Brandt, M. Berry, J. (1991). Transitioning college-bound students with learning disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 26 (5), 297-391. Brinckerhoff, L. C., Shaw, S. F., McGuire, J. (2002). Promoting postsecondary education for students with learning disabilities. Second Edition. AustinRead MoreThe Literacy Education Is Not A New Issue1810 Words   |  8 Pagespostsecondary education. The College Board (2013) reports as many as 57% of students completing the SAT exams did not meet the benchmark for college level coursework; this figure may present low, as it does not necessarily include the countless students who do not attempt the test, as they are planning on attending postsecondary schools not requiring these scores for admissions or not planning on continuing their education after high school. 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Other thinkers expand this thought indicating that critical thinking involves: asking questions, evaluating data, assessing information, thinking with an open mind, and conveying the information efficiently to others (Duron, Limbach, Waugh, 2006). While good writing skills are necessary to communicate information effectively, many schools of higherRead MoreCollege Readiness System5622 Words   |  23 PagesCOLLEGE STUDENTS Defining College Readiness from the Inside Out: First-Generation College Student Perspectives Kathleen Byrd, M. Ed. Developmental Education Reading and English Instructor South Puget Sound Community College 132 Plymouth St. N.W., Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 754-2889 Ginger MacDonald, Ph.D. Director and Professor of Education University of Washington, Tacoma 1900 Commerce Street, WCG – 324, Tacoma, WA 98402 (253) 692-5690 CollegeRead MoreThe Benefits of Year Round Education and Extended School Days2809 Words   |  12 PagesYear round education (YRE) is implemented in 436 U.S. school districts with very few complaints. In fact, school districts that have been participating in YRE and extended school days (ESD) are raving about the benefits in pupils achievement level, their new found enthusiasm in learning, as well as the many programs that exist in the extended day promoting the decline in latch key children. Some schools decided to initiate YRE and ESD because of swelling enrollments and lack of student achievementRead More The Benefits of Year Round Education and Extended School Days2729 Words   |  11 Pages Year round education (YRE) is implemented in 436 U.S. school districts with very few complaints. In fact, school districts that have been participating in YRE and extended school days (ESD) are raving about the benefits in pupils achievement level, their new found enthusiasm in learning, as well as the many programs that exist in the extended day promoting the decline in latch key children. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Some schools decided to initiate YRE and ESD because of swelling enrollmentsRead MoreTest Analysis : Tests Analysis Essay2701 Words   |  11 Pagesthe instrument?s theoretical and methodological subtleties. Nevertheless, the author does highlight what can be deemed the previously unexplored domains for the screen?s practical deployment, such as using it within the context of how one designs a remedial intervention. 4. The article?s main finding is that, even though there is the apparent lack of axiomatic integrity to the discussed instrument, there can be only a few doubts about its practical usefulness, ?The Brigance Kl Screen? is a well-organized

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Synesthesia - 1331 Words

Synesthesia: What We Know and Dont Know How many of us know what synesthesia is? What do we eat it with? How is it used or what is it used with. Well let me just tell you that synesthesia is a condition in which people have difficulty distinguishing between various sensory inputs. Synesthesia comes from two Greek words, syn, which means together, and aesthesis, which means perception. Therefore synesthesia literally means, Joined perception. Synesthesia is an involuntary joining in which the real information of one sense is accompanied by a perception in another sense.( In addition to being involuntary, this additional perception is regarded by the synesthete as real, often outside the body, instead of imagined†¦show more content†¦Synesthesia tends to be in: a) women, in the US, studies show that three times as many women as men have synesthesia; in the UK, eight times as many women have been reported to have it and the reason for this difference is not known yet. b) Left-handed: synesthetes are mo re likely to be left-handed than the general population. c) Neurologically normal: synesthetes are of normal intelligence, and standard neurological exams are normal. d) It can also run in the same family: synesthesia appears to be inherited in some fashion; it seems to be a dominant trait and it may be on the X-chromosome. But no only non-famous people have synesthesiaÂ…no also famous people have this disorder. Famous people that we might not have heard of or might not ever seen before have synesthesia. People like Vasily Kandinsky, a painter, Oliver Messiaen, a composer, Charles Baudetaire, a poet, Franz Liszt, a composer, Arthur Rimbaud, a poet, and Richard Phillips Feynman, a physicist. Some of these artists barely even know that they have synesthesia and the reason we know that is because they express it in their artwork and others do know they have synesthesia. How could we know if we are going to have or how we got synesthesia? There is a biological explanation for having synesthesia. Some scientists believe that synesthesia results from crossed-wiring in the brain. ( There is a hypothesis, which isShow MoreRelatedEssay on Synesthesia2675 Words   |  11 Pagesdifferent from most. Synesthesia is a perceptual bonus or condition, not a disease for those who experience it; I believe the condition should be more widely explained and understood by the general populous and res ources made available to the people to see if they are Synesthetes. This can be done by examining how synesthesia works, the abilities of mirror neurons, what and how synesthetes feel, what qualifies a person to be synesthetic, and my personal experiences with synesthesia. If the general populationRead MoreHistory of Synesthesia Essay examples1781 Words   |  8 PagesHistory of Synethesia July 11,2006 History of Synesthesia Synesthesia has been known to medicine for almost three hundred years. After interest peaked between 1860 and 1930, it was forgotten, because psychology and neurology were premature sciences. Psychological theory was full with associations, and concepts of nervous tissue were insignificant. Subjective experience, such as synesthesia, was believed not a proper subject for scientific study.(pg3) Synesthesias history is interestingRead MoreEssay on What Is Synesthesia?1005 Words   |  5 PagesNeurological disease known as Synesthesia is not present. Synesthesia is Greek for â€Å"syn=together and aisthesis=perception† (Cytowic, 1995) and by definition means â€Å"joined sensations† (Ciccarelli White, 2012, p.88), meaning that two of peoples 5 senses are connected together. Normally this is a fusion of sound and sight, but this can also include taste, touch, and smell for some people. Let’s delve deeper and learn more about what Synesthesia is exactly. Synesthesia was first discovered in 1812 andRead MoreThe Multi Layered Nature Of Synesthesia1840 Words   |  8 PagesCentral University in Taiwan describes his neurological condition called synesthesia.1 Synesthesia is a neurological condition in which the stimulation of one sense is automatically accompanied by a second sense. There are many different types of synesthesia ranging from grapheme-color synesthesia, associating letter and numbers with colors, to spatial sequence synesthesia, associating numerical sequences to points in space. Synesthesia is a complex condition that is not fully yet understood but has a complexRead MoreEssay on Commonality of Synesthesia Induced by Serotonin732 Words   |  3 PagesThe study of synesthesia has grown exponentially over the past few decades and as a result there is some level of ambiguity as to the scope of what defines it. Gail Martino and Lawrence Mark propose that synesthesia can be categorized into strong or weak. The former refers to those who experience â€Å"a vivid image in one sensory in response to stimulation in another†, whereas the latter is characterized as â€Å"cross-sensory correspondence[s] expressed through language, perceptual similarity and perceptualRead MoreSenses Are Important For Everyday Life Essay1316 Words   |  6 Pagesworld very differently than the average person. Those people have a condition called synesthesia. The word synesthesia means union of the senses (WC #4). Synesthesia is a condition where one sense is perceived simultaneously with another sense. It can involve any of the senses, and can join objects such as letters, shapes and numbers with a sense perception such as color, taste, or smell (WC #1). Synesthesia is not a perception that happens only one way. In can vary in many different forms; itRead More Synaesthesia Essay1957 Words   |  8 Pagesknown as learned association. For example, childrens books may be written in different colour text and so the child learns to associate certain words with colours and this can become automatic, ( What Causes Synaesthesia ======================== Although not yet fully understood and until recently considered to be amusing yet unimportant, there have been a few different claims on what causes synaesthesia. Dr. SimonRead MoreComparing Synesthesia And The Bower Essay2303 Words   |  10 PagesSynesthesia and the Bower: An Analysis of â€Å"Ode to a Nightingale† by John Keats Filled with sensorial imagery, John Keats’s use of the senses in â€Å"Ode to a Nightingale† leads to synesthetic description in order to convey what he is feeling and what he is imagining. This poem is based in a desire for escape and this is achieved through an imaginative bower in the speaker’s mind. The speaker is taken to this bower â€Å"on the viewless wings of Poesy† (Ode 928) whose song has put him into such a sublimeRead MoreSynesthesia And Music And Understanding The Mechanisms2011 Words   |  9 PagesAbstract: Synesthesia is a phenomenon in which one sense or part of the body is stimulated by another sense or part of the body. For example, certain sounds or visuals can stimulate and be related to colors, textures or smells. This article primarily focuses on synesthesia and music and understanding the mechanisms in the brain that allow certain people to see colors when listening or playing music. This review will also reference and analysis research that has been conducted on synesthesia in the brainRead MoreThree Types Of Synesthesia As A Phenomenon2315 Words   |  10 PagesSynesthesia is a phenomenon in which one sense or part of the body is stimulated by another sense or part of the body. For example, certain sounds or visuals can stimulate and be related to colors, textures or smells. There are many types of synesthesia that has been identified and studied by researchers dating back to ancient Greece and classified in the early 19th century. In this paper, three types of synesthesia w ill be studied: grapheme/color synesthesia synesthesia, color/sound synesthesia

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Linux Security Using Iptables

Question: Discuss about the Linux Security Using Iptables. Answer: Introduction All the IT systems connected in the internet are always under various threats. Linux servers are used for most of the web based application hosting purposes. Hence Linux web based servers are under serious security threat always. Hardware firewalls are used to prevent security breaches in the network. Hardware firewalls got their own disadvantages. The cannot solve all the firewall objectives. IPTables is the software firewall used in most of the Linux operating systems (Baki Billah Rahman, 2013). A brief study about the IPTables will be done. Various configurations will be done in IPTables and the configurations are tested. Main uses and limitations will be discussed later. Importance of IPTables Firewall The IPTables follows some setup rules based on some set of policies. When data request comes the rules will be checked and communication path will be controlled based on the rules. IPTable will check the source and destination IP addresses, requested service protocol, duration and many other things. All these details will be checked for any suitable match in the rules. If the match is there then the action defined in the IPTables will be done. Otherwise default rules will apply to that data transfer communication (Bauer Bauer, 2005). Installation of IP Tables Kali Linux is installed in a virtual server. Installed I P tables using the following command. The present rules of the IP tables will be listed out using the following command. The structure of the chain policies are as follows. Listing current rules To check the existing rules of the IPTables rules use the following command. Default INPUT, OUTPUT, Forward rules will be shows as follows ("7.4. FORWARD and NAT Rules", 2016). To discard the present rules (Not default rules) and to restart the firewall Configuration of IPT IPTable Firewall Rejecting all ssh packets. This rule is to block SSH packets from any IP or IP ranges ("How To List and Delete Iptables Firewall Rules | DigitalOcean", 2016). Iptables -l INPUT s p tcp dport ssh j REJECT Tested SSH access from to the server and got connection refused result ("HowTos/Network/IPTables - CentOS Wiki", 2016) If we check the logs of the IPTables Allowing ssh remote connections Discarded the existing IPTable rules. The following rule allows the SSH connections from outside ("iptables - Debian Wiki", 2016). For outgoing ports, the following rule allows SSH connection ("iptables - Debian Wiki", 2016) Block ping To block the PING responses (XenServer et al., 2016) # echo "1" /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all To block ping permanently the following command needs to go to /etc/sysctl.conf net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 1 To set these changes without rebooting the system # sysctl p Reject all traffic coming to port 80 This is mainly used in web servers where the service port for web services is 80. To reject web service request at port 80. Block incoming traffic connection to your IP address of your virtual machine. The following rule will block all the incoming connections to IP Address of Iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s -j DROP Block all the incoming connect ions from a specific MAC address Block all the incoming connect ions from a specific MAC address and a port Allow traffic coming to port 80 (inbound) but reject traffic going out (outbound) through port 80. Testing IPTables To start the real testing process, firstly installed all the iptables in the operating system Kali Linux. Then, checked the rules present in the firewall, after completing the checks ensured to save and restore the present rules in the form of a text file. Once this process is completed, all the required tests can be started. The point to be remembered is that, before carryout any test the previous test rules must be deleted ("Iptables Essentials: Common Firewall Rules and Commands | DigitalOcean", 2016) ("IptablesHowTo - Community Help Wiki", 2016). The first test is carried out for rejecting all the SSH packets. In order to complete this test ifconfig language is used. This will be helpful to make connection with the internal network. So once the connection is established, on the destination port 22 the tcp packets must be rejected. Further, made sure that the line number and the rules match with each other. To check whether the test is completed successfully, use another system with a different IP address and check whether the connection works or not. In case, if the connection is rejected by the host then it means that the test is successfully completed and it has rejected all the SSH packets. As mentioned earlier, ensure to delete the previously used rules. This test is carried out to establish ssh connection. The very first step of this test will be to accept the tcp packets from the destination port 22. Then use another system with a different IP address and check whether the connection works or not. In case, if the connection is accepted by the host then it means that the test is successfully completed and it has accepted the SSH connection if not the connection has failed. From the previous test, delete all the previously used rules. This test is carried out to check whether a connection is established and able to ping the other system with different IP address. The first step of this test will be to reject the icmp packets for denying the ping. After rejecting the icmp packets check whether it is possible to ping the other IP address system or not. Delete all the previously used rules from the previous test. This test is carried out to check the rejection of traffic from the port 80. The first step of this test will be rejecting the traffic that comes from the port 80. Then the next is to check whether the website server is installed. If the website server is installed then the web page will be connected from another system with a different IP address and if not the port 80 is rejecting all the traffic coming from it. Delete all the previously used rules from the previous test. This test is carried out to check whether all the traffic is blocked or not. The first step of this test will be to drop all the internal access from the host. Then use another system with a different IP address for pinging the host machine. Thus, it shows whether the traffic connection is blocked or not. Delete all the previously used rules from the previous test. This test is carried out to check whether the port 80 has become a one way traffic port. The first step of this test will be to reject all the traffic that goes out and comes in from the port 80. Next step is to use another system with a different IP address and the host machine for testing whether it is possible to connect with the web server or not. In case, if the host machine fails to receive the connection and if the other system with a different IP address has successfully established connection then it means that the port 80 has become a one way traffic port. More Details about IPTable Firewalls, Merits and Demerits It got lot of advantages. The ipchains design is dropped completely and a new architecture is implemented called as Netfilier. It provides a clear modular design. It creates a strong expansion. It achieves a NAT.ipchains that is dynamic in nature. These NAT.ipchains are basically addresses that are disguised as multiple pairs. It helps in achieving user filtering. It helps in achieving MAC. It helps in achieving a real filtering process that depends on the state. It helps in achieving the transiting rate limit of a packet. It helps the iptables of Linux with free firewall tools. And it provides open source that is free of cost. In case, if the setting of the software firewall is set right, then it functions effectively. The IP layer and the TCP layers are used for filter. It is flexible. Connection tracking is an important feature. Multiple ports can be controlled in both incoming as well as outgoing connections. One set of IP range can be allowed or rejected. Application and port le vel allow/reject also possible (Jang, 2009). IPchains got -l flag to log the activity. IPTables don't have it. IP masquerading which is supported by ipchains is not supported by iptables ("Man page of IPTABLES", 2016). For high pocket rates low performance is observed. It is difficult to maintain and got less performance. IPTables got only two type of activities. Match and log is the first one. Match and drop is the second one. The firewalls that are hardware based are expensive. It is difficult for the user with fewer budgets to purchase the hardware based firewall (Negus Caen, 2008).It is difficult to solve security issues. The rules are set by the iptables for controlling the data packets access. It affects the network traffic. The table of rules might be large and complicated. If the complexity increases then it becomes difficult for testing. It will contain many loopholes due to complexities and complex rules. It depends on a single component for protecting the system. The packet filtering can just help in prevention of t he IP deception. One can use the port module for setting the list of ports. One can make use of network data stream for deciding the rules for the multiple network interfaces. One can ensure to avoid the deception rule of the source address. One can stop the high flow of the data in specific ports Circuit Relay Firewall It won't offer end to end connection but it relays the TCP connections between internal circuit and external circuit. When connecting to external network there will be a proxy before firewall. Proxy changes the IP addresses of the internal circuits to the external world. External world can see only the IPs of the proxy. Thus the internal IPs are saved. The circuit level firewall supports applications. It acts as a gateway with the help of SOCKS packages which is based on RFC 1928 based. This RFC explains the internal to external client server framework that covers both TCP and UDP domains. It got its own rules in forwarding ICMP messages. References 7.4.FORWARD and NAT Rules. (2016) Retrieved 15 September 2016, from Baki Billah, S. Rahman, M. (2013).Design Development of Network Security System using IP Tables. Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Bauer, M. Bauer, M. (2005).Linux server security. Sebastapol, CA: O'Reilly. How To List and Delete Iptables Firewall Rules | DigitalOcean. (2016) Retrieved 15 September 2016, from HowTos/Network/IPTables - CentOS Wiki. (2016) Retrieved 15 September 2016, from iptables - Debian Wiki. (2016) Retrieved 15 September 2016, from Iptables Essentials: Common Firewall Rules and Commands | DigitalOcean. (2016) Retrieved 15 September 2016, from IptablesHowTo - Community Help Wiki. (2016) Retrieved 15 September 2016, from Jang, M. (2009).Ubuntu server administration. New York: McGraw-Hill. Man page of IPTABLES. (2016) Retrieved 15 September 2016, from Negus, C. Caen, F. (2008).Ubuntu Linux toolbox. Indianapolis, Ind.: Wiley Pub. XenServer, x., XenServer, H., Linux, H., Linux, H., systems, H., WINE, I. et al. (2016).Collection of basic Linux Firewall iptables Retrieved 15 September 2016, from